1:12-18 | What to think about#9 |
1:4-5 2:12-13 |
Small victories?#17 |
2:1-5,7 | Enduring in love#15 |
2:8-11 | Do not love your life#16 |
2:11,18-23 | Repent!#18 |
3:1-4 | Fooled by our own reputation#19 |
3:10-11 | The ordinariness of the spiritual battle#28 |
3:14-22 | Self-satisfied and delusional#21 |
3:7-10,20 4:1-3 |
The open door#20 |
5:11-12 | What to think about#9 |
7:9-10,13-14 | Fooled by our own reputation#19 |
19:11 | This is the day!#2 |
19:11 | What to think about#9 |
20:11-12 | Do not be angry#24 |